Mr Marc for 01/03/21


Hello guys, for next time I'd like you to do your unit test and the ECCE practice test this weekend. 


for next time please complete sb p70 ex3 which we didnt have time to finish ( write your examples in the google doc we share)- then complete pages 74 and 75 in your sb for more use of english part 6 ( the gaps in the text you have to fill - remember to use the tips on p74 and p38) then wb p36 Vocabulary ex 1,2 3 and wb p39 listening part 2

Pre Lower

Hi guys, today we had a look at the passive voice. To practice the form please do the exercises here and then follow up with workbook p42.Revise and review all the words from the unit so far ( remember to use the wb reading new words in examples)  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 


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