Miss Sofia's B senior 4 for Tuesday 16/2

Hello everyone! 

For Tuesday please do these:

1) Read the story on p. 64-65 again. You have to remember what happens! 

2) Read p. 66 and p. 67 and write a small paragraph about YOUR detective. Imagine him or her and

Answer these questions: 
Who is your detective? 
Where does he/she come from? 
How does he/she look like? 
Why is he/she popular? 
+++ (ό,τι άλλο θέλετε) 

(For example: Sara Stranger is one of my favourite detectives. She comes from Scotland. She is a very beautiful and clever woman with wonderful blue eyes and dark hair who is popular because she solves crimes all over Europe..... Her best friend is Mr Sharks who helps her investigate...) 

3)word list: 58,59,61-66, 68,69, 71-73 on p. 18 LEARN THE WORDS VERY WELL! 

4) WB: p. 66

+++++++ If you didn't do THIS EXERCISE, please do it and send it to sofaki278@yahoo.gr

See you🤩


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