Miss Sofia's AB junior 2 for Monday 15/2


Your homework for Monday:

1) SB

P. 64 Copy 5 times and dictation: "ticket", " castle ", " living room ", " bathroom ", " bedroom ", " dining room ", " king ", " queen "

P. 65: ex. 2a

2) WB

P. 58: ex. 1a, p. 59: ex. 3 

+  p. 56-57 (όποιος δεν τις έχει κάνει) 

3) Do THESE exercises and THIS exercise and send them to: sofaki278@yahoo.gr

Optional (όποιος θέλει) : 1) Sing THIS song 
                                             2) Sing THIS song

See you! 🤩🤩🤩


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