Mr Marc for 23/12/20


Time to study these gerunds! Take the time to study and revise sb p141-142

then check your vocab and gerunds with wb p66 and 67, ex A p 68


please write your adverb examples on the google doc i provided if you haven't already

take the time to re read the rules to each category ( comment doesn't behave the same way as manner ect)

then re read the readings from unit 3, study the vocab using your companion and quizlet

Polar Penguins

Thank you for your presentations! I was impressed by the work that went into it and pleased to see you could explain and present confidently ( there were some mistakes though!) Well done. Please send me your presentations so we can avoid this mistakes in the future.
for next time please study the future perfect and future continuous from WB p92, then do wb p28  ex 1,2,3

Looking forward to our final presentation!


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