Mr Marc for 07/12/20


 Hi guys, please revise the grammar from the student book p139,140 and then do WB exercises p53-54 A,B,C,D,E ( use the rules from the book if you arent sure!)


Review revise and organise the phrasal we did from the chocoholics text in the SB + do the exercises in this worksheet and after this video


 Figure our your roles for the project and try and define what your project will talk about

Use the roles and the table at the bottom of the doc i linked in viber

( make sure you try and contact each other on viber sometime this weekend for this)

PLease do the small writing exercise from sb p33 and make sure you check that you've made it as good as possible using the Checklist on the same page 

FInally, try and find some information on how food has changed in the last 100 years!



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