Mr Marc for 23/11/20


For next time i'll be testing unit 3 vocab and grammar. 

So as we discussed i'd like you to try and experiment with quizlet to practice revising vocab so far. Create a profile using gmail, facebook or your own details and join this class by clicking here

 Or you can also just practice and play around by checking here and here

Send me a message if you have any questions. See you soon!



 AS you've probably gathered I intend to compel you to use quizlet for revision of vocabulary so far!Its easy to use and quite effective if you use it often enough

I suggest you create an account and join the online class i've created by clicking here and see for yourself - there is so much vocab to learn you need every bit of help you can get!

Please do all companion unit 2 exercises at the back of the book. I will test you on unit 2 vocab next week.

Also, please write the examples you had to make for today (wednesday 18/11/20) on the google doc i've shared on viber

Polar Penguins!

So to begin with please refresh your memory by studying the rules of the Past perfect with never allready by the time and by (then) on the sb and wb p90 - THEN do the sb p27 ex 4 exercise > remember to check when we use past simple and why! Finally you can do the online homework to check your understanding!

See you soon, have a nice weekend!

Black geeps

listening four here  and please do grammar, cloze and vocabulary test 6



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