Ms Themis for 15/6/20

A Senior super stars

Study the new words in your vocabulary notebooks, learn how to spell them. In your wordlists study p. 26-27 (32-48)

SB p.98-99 Study the text 5 times and learn pictures 3-6 by heart!

WB p.98 ex. 1,2

Write a little imaginary story about what you did in the weekend. You can make it funny, strange, scary... Don't forget to use the past!

B Senior

SB p.101 ex. 3
p.102 study the text and remember it well!
P.103 ex. 1,2,3

WB p.100 p.102 do all exercises

Study the new words in your vocabulary notebooks, learn how to spell them. In your wordlists study p. 28-29 (31-51)


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