Ms Themis for 10/6/20

A Senior

Learn the new ones and revise the old words in your vocabulary notebooks and in your wordlists study: p. 25-26 (15-30) Know how to spell them!!

SB p. 96 Read/sing the song 5 times. Remember it by heart! You can write your own story/song by changing some things (names, places, verbs) and writing something about you. You can sing it to us in class like we did last time.

WB p.96-97 Do all the exercises.

B Senior

Study the new and old vocabulary in your notebooks and in your wordlists: p.27-28 (11-30)

SB p.96 Change the song, write your own! One day I’ll be... (it can be funny if you want)
P.98-99 Read the lesson well and remember the lines of pictures 3-6 by heart. 

WB p.96-98 Do all the exercises 

Drama Llamas

Study the listening script I sent you on viber, remember it as well as you can!

WB p. 80 ex. 1-5


Keep studying and revising all the new vocabulary you’re learning. Revise all the mistakes you’ve been making in your practice tests.

Write an essay of your choice.

Read this article, summarize and evaluate it. Make a list of new vocabulary and expressions that catch your attention. 


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