Ms Themis Lower for 5/5/20

SB p.126 Take a look at the review in ex. 3 again and then on p. 127 do ex. 6,7,8

Check out your writing guide on p.183. Make sure you use lots of adjectives (check the ones in ex. 5 p.127)

If Aggelos and Leoni don't want to write a review, you can write an essay from your practice test book instead.

Companion p.112-113 Make a gapped sentence quiz with 5 words.
p.114 study the phrasal verbs in the box.

Each one of you, should do a test from your test books and send me pictures of them by Tuesday morning.

Last, all of you should read this article, summarize it (Write around 50-60 words to say what it's about) and write your opinion about it too.


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