Ms Themis for 25/5/20

B Senior

Study the vocabulary we learnt in class: surrounded (by enemies at war or by friends at peace) and in case( =if)

SB p.86-87 Study the text very well, remember pictures 3,4,5,6 by heart so we can act it out!
P.88-89 Read the story again and do ex. 3,4

I’m sending some exercises on who/which/where on viber. You can print them out if you want to.

Word list p.24-25 (38-57) You know most of these words!


Study the vocabulary in your notebooks (fiction-al, (school) term, (school/company/office) staff, in advance, require, nearby, opportunity, accommodation, adolescent/adolescence)

In the photocopy you got, do p.19-20

WB p.71 ex. 1-5 p.75 ex.5-7

Word list: Revise the words you learnt on p.37 and 38.

I’m also sending you a writing topic on viber.


Study the new vocabulary in your notebooks. Revise the previous ones.

SB p. 177 Ideas Focus, second question. Read up on the topic so we can have a debate in class.
P.170-171 Read the text and do ex. D. Circle all the unknown words, look them up and try to find synonyms for them. We’re going to play a guessing game.
P. 172-173 ex. B,C,D

WB p.99 ex. E, F

I’m going to send you that article about how language shapes our culture on viber! You need to summarize and evaluate it.


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