Mr Marc for 12.05.20

C senior 

First things first, we need to start collecting new words we learned by making new lists ( New words i like, New words i don't like, New words i didn't know before). So start by writing lists in your notebooks

From the word list i would like you to study p30-31 words 61-79

Also, i would like you to do wb p 92 ( all exercises, go to the cambridge platform for the audio ) and the writing from sb p71 ex 5,6 and 7 ( please type your writing in the blog)

Pre Lower 

Please review, revise and organize vocabulary from unit 6 and grammar. (word lists!)

Go to viber for a new reading worksheet, exercises 1-4 should be easy for you. 

Last but not least, all exercises from student book p72


SB p111-112 grammar exercises and revise p217 

Wb p78 and p81

Revise words from companion p124-127


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