Mr Marc for 11.05.20


Firstly, review the vocab from unit 10 ( read through the texts to refresh you memory) then test yourself by completing p144-145 on the companion

Then do the reading from p 74 ex a-b

Finally read one of the following article to keep yourself engaged with the topic

Perhaps adding the student book vocab exercises is too much, so we will do those together.

Also i'm still expecting summaries from a few of you - remember if you decide not to post it on the blog or share it on google docs then at least type it up and send it as PM on Viber please!

Drama Llamas

Ok so today we learned about the second conditional - how we form it and what we use it for. To make sure we understand that please read the rules on page 105 five times and check all the examples - then do all exercises from workbook p68-69

Also, please watch this video and do the exercises at the end of the page to test your knowledge of conditionals so far.

Also, please keep working on your fake adverts and make sure you use some vocab from previous units and use some of the expressions we learned! ( sb p 42 is about an online advertisement for example, see if you can copy paste some stuff from there!)


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