Ms Vicky's AB JUNIORS for 6/4 and 7/4

Hello Dragons, Unicorns and Animals! How do you feel today?
For next time:
  1. Let's remember this song! Do the 'preparation' task (match the words to the pictures) and play the 'game'! 
  2.  Listen to these songs again and sing along!
  3. Do you remember the days of the week? Let's listen to this song many times! Then sing along. Write the days of the week 3 times in your notebooks.
  4.  Here is another song to remember the clothes and the weather! Listen to it many times, sing along.

Also, open your notebooks and write: NEW WORDS  (καινούριες λέξεις)
When you find a new word in a task/photocopy or song, write it in your notebooks. Copy the words 5 times. Learn the words. Then ask your mum, dad or your older brother/ sister to help you with dictation

week: εβδομάδα
shake: κουνάω
drum: χτυπάω
get dressed: ντύνομαι
shirt: πουκάμισο/ μπλουζάκι
pants: παντελόνι
socks: κάλτσες
head: κεφάλι
toe: δάχτυλο του ποδιού
wind: αέρας
outside: έξω
pick your clothes: διάλεξε τα ρούχα σου
coat: παλτό

Dictionary: here

You can send me pictures of your work and your notebooks to my email!
Ms Vicky's email:

Have a nice month! Stay healthy!


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