Ms Themis for 30/4/20


SB p. 73 ex. 4,5,6  p.71 ex. 3 (If you think you don't have time to do this by tomorrow, you can send it to me by Tuesday) Write about 120-150 words, make paragraphs!

WB p. 61 Read the text again, I'll ask you questions about it.
p.62 ex.1,2,3 p.64 ex.12,3

Words: p.33-34 (112-123)

B Senior

SB p. 78 Read the text again, know it very well.
p.79 ex. 3. Make notes and tell us about your animal. We want to learn about interesting details!
ex. 4 Make a false/true quiz about your animal with at  least 5 sentences.

WB p.77 and p.78 ex. 1,2 These exercises will take you 5 minutes I think : )

words: p.21-22 (60-72)


SB p. 123 ex. 5 p.128 ex. 1,2

Companion Revise phrasal verbs on p. 110 and make a quiz with gapped sentences with them to test your classmates. p. 111-112 Study the words and make a quiz of 10 gapped sentences with the words of your choice to test your classmates. Don't copy the same examples, think of your own. SEND ME YOUR QUIZZES BEFORE OUR LESSON

I'm also sending you something to do on viber.


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