Ms Themis for 23/4/20


We'll continue working on SB p.69 together next time.
WB p.61 ex. 1,2,3,4 --->Write about 120 words and post in on the Cambridge lms blog (class tools--->blog--->write a new post--->add)
SB p.72 ex.1-6
Words: p.31 (57-69) If you don't know how to pronounce some words, look them up online and listen to them.
If you didn't send me your word quizzes, send them to me please. Add more sentences to your quizzes. Choose any of the new words we're learning or some to help us revise.

B Senior

WB p. 76 ex.1,2,3-->(Make it like a little story, don't just answer the questions, and post it on the Cambridge lms blog)
Words: Revise p.20-21 until word 56. Choose 5 of your favourite words and make sentences with them. Try not to copy the same examples from the wordlist, think of your own!
I'm also sending you a photocopy you have to do on viber.


Do the listenings units 7 and 8. I'm sending you the files again.
Revise quizzes units 8+9, know them well!
Send me your writings.
Companion study p.109-110
Read an article and do exercises 1-4 here.


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