Ms Evi Asenior for 6/4/20

Hello girls! I hope this month will be a good one for all of us! 
Don't forget to log in the Pearson English portal and do all activities from Unit 1. Follow the steps in your emails please.

Let's talk about the weather (καιρός), because some days are rainy and others are sunny. So, first, I would like you to play this game. Then, you can do some practice doing only the first worksheet, which is this one. After that, you can have fun practising this tongue twister (γλωσσοδετης). You can try as many times you want and learn it by heart. 

And...time for a new story too! The story is called Ali and the magic carpet and you click here to watch it. First, you can do the preparation task, then watch the video as many times you want and after that, you can play the game too. Don't forget to write your answers in your notebooks! 

Enjoy your rest of the week and practise your English too! 🤩😎


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