Miss Chara's Pre-lower 1 and 2 for Monday 6/4

Happy April Fool's Day!!! I hope we all have a nice month!

By now, I am sure you are all comfortable with writing informal letters to friends!
So, follow this link :A letter to a friend
and do the preparation task first, put the expressions into 2 categories: the ones we use to start a letter and the ones to finish it.
Then, read Dani's model letter and do the 3 exercises following (true false, matching questions with answers and in 3 correct all punctuation mistakes -put full stops, apostrophes, capital (big) letters where needed- )
Now it's your turn to write a letter:

Exam Question
Your friend Sabrina has written you a letter. Part of it says:

What's your favorite TV series? I'd love to hear about it!

Now, think about these questions:
What is your favorite TV series? What is it about?
Who plays in it? How often do you watch it? What do you like most about it?
Write a letter of about 150 words in reply.
Make sure you start and you finish your letter properly.

Now, to continue our reading it's time for Mary Poppins!
For next time I want you to read CHAPTER 2- THE DAY OUT 
(it's roughly 8 small pages)
Go here: Mary Poppins chapter 2
You might need to click previous or next (arrow) to arrive on the correct page.

Some words you might need:
tuck (to put in a safe or hidden place -tuck your shirt in your trousers)
handle (the part of an object that is designed to held by hand)
vain (sense of being too proud of yourself) frock (dress)
chalk (a white powedery stone we use to write on a board)
side-walk ( pavement, where only people walk) tiptoe (standing and walking on the tip of your toes) tuppence (two pence , coins of no much value) stodgy (dull, old-fashioned)
indulge (yield in temptation, satisfy the wishes of someone) admiringly (with admiration)
urn, (metal vessel for servig tea or coffee) modestly (not bragging or boasting about yourself) contemptuosly (not showing respect)

Now, answer these questions:
1) What jobs does Bert have? Why couldn't he take Mary Poppins to tea?
2) Where did Mary Poppins and Bert end up going?
3) The author calls Mary Poppin vain. What does the author mean? Give an example
from the text that shows Mary Poppins is a vain person.
4) When the 2 jumped into the picture what happened to their clothes?
5) Describe what they did on their day out.
3) What did Mary Poppins mean when she said “Don’t you know that everybody’s got
a Fairyland of their own?

You might want to watch these 2 extracts of the movie for inspiration!
The Chalk Scene
The Penguin Dance

Make sure you send your writing and Mary Poppins answers either by email 
malamaschool@gmail.com or mine kotsonic@gmail.com
Or you can post them on cambridge lms on the blog(Go to class home, blogs, new post!)
or send me clear picture on social media message!


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