Miss Chara'a Lower for Monday 6/4

Have a nice month you guys!!!

For next time I want you to write a story!
Go to this link :  A story
and do the preparation task. After read the model essay.
Pay attention to how the story is divided clearly in paragraphs and has a beginning, a middle and an end (the more suprising the ending the better!) Also, you should use a variety of narrative tenses like the author highlighted with yellow (past simple, past continuous and past perfect), of course you should use linking and time words to link the story and make it more interesting.
Finally another tip (highlighted with blue) is to use direct speech - the actual words of someone- (in quotation marks " " ) or reported speech if you report back on what someone has said, these two make the story more lively and less monotonous and dull.
Move on by doing the 3 following exercises.

Now, it's your turn to write a story:

Choose one of the titles below and write a story. 
You should use a variety of narrative tenses and all the other tips mentioned above. 
Your story should be between 180 -220 words.

- The Mysterious Stranger
- My Lucky Day
- What Should Never Have Happened

Now, it's about time we did some classic reading! What about some mystery?
Click here: Murder on the Orient Express
It's one of the most famous stories of Agatha Christie with protagonist the detective Hercule Poirot. For next time you have to read PART ONE- AN IMPORTANT PASSENGER ON THE TAURUS EXPRESS  (8 small pages)

Some words you might need explained:
Lieutenant: a junior officer in the army, resplendent: shiny and colorful
see off: accompany to a departure  distinguished: well-known and important   avert prevent
blooshed the spilling of blood, metaphorically when people die
zeal devotion, enthusiasm    ardour passion      surreptitious well hidden
mount : go on something , ride it (mount a horse) reluctance : the feeling of not wanting to do something    conductor: person whose job is to check the tickets on a train or bus
governess: a woman who educates children at home, a nanny  susceptible easily tricked  downtrodden oppresed, treated badly

Now answer the following questions:
1)Where does monsieur Poirot board the train (which city and country)
2) Judging from the description what season is it?
3) How many other passengers are on the train?
4) What does Poirot think of the other passengers, how does he describe them?
5) What is the girl's job and why is she nervous about the train being late?
6) Where is Poirot scheduled to depart the train?

Send your essays and your answers by email , either to the school malamaschool@gmail.com or to my personal one kotsonic@gmail.com or by photo in social media private message!


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