Ms Vicky's A SENIORS for 25/3 and 26/3

Hello Super Stars and Top Team!

For next time: Revision (επανάληψη) Student's book, unit 2: read the texts p. 26-27 and p. 29 and p. 30-31, sing the song many times (p. 24)
Wordlist, (pages 6- 10 ) Επανάληψη όλες τις λέξεις από picnic σελ. 6, έως και I'd like a..., σελ. 10)

Watch this video and learn about bugs (έντομα)! Don't be scared!
Copy them in your notebooks to learn them. Use this dictionary if you need help. 

Then, make two categories: 
Category A: "Bugs I like" → write about your favourite bugs
Category B:  "Bugs I hate"  write about the bugs you hate!

When you finish, choose one of the bugs and write about it in a paragraph: 
What is its name? Can you describe it? What is its habitat? What does it eat? What animals eat this bug? Why do you like it/hate it?


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