Ms Themis for 19/3/20

AB Junior

Hello Olympia, George and Ody!

Don't be couch potatoes now that you don't go to school. :)

Do you know the songs well? Listen to them again and sing along, every day.

For next time you need to listen to this song and learn in. Do these exercises too.

Good luck!

C Senior

Hello girls, hope you're doing well.

For next time, I'd like you to write the essay on p. 61.
An essay is a piece of writing you do for your teacher where you have to say your opinion about something. The one on p.61 is about teenagers and mobile phones (positives and negatives of using them). You need to do ex. 1,2,3,4,5
Exercise 5 asks you to write you own essay. Don't forget to make 4 paragraphs following the plan in ex. 5. To be sure you get it right, write something similar to the one in ex. 1.

For words you may not know, look them up in your wordlists or on an online dictionary such as this one.

Wordlist: start studying p. 26-27

Also you should go here and read as well as do the practice tests on the 0, 1st and 2nd conditionals.
The 0 conditional is one that talks about facts and truths, for example: If / When I exercise, I feel good. Notice that we don't use modal verbs here (like can, will, may) because we talk about things that are always true.

You can post your essays on the Cambridge LMS blog so I can read them and send you some feedback.


SB p. 106 ex. 1,2
P. 107 ex. 3,4,5,6

I'll be sending you the answers on viber once you've sent me yours.

WB p. 51 ex.1, 1, 2

For people who are taking the ECCE exam, do the first test in your new test books (which I hope you've taken from the school or else you can still come to pick them up-just give us a call) as well as one writing.

For the people that are taking the FCE and Artemis, I'll tell you more on viber.

Keep revising unit 8, learn the derivatives and phrasals well.


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