Ms Themis for 1/4/20

B Senior

Did you enjoy reading the article of what makes you happy? I would like you to read it again and make three lists of words in your notebooks: one with the new words you learnt here, one with words you liked and one with words you didn’t like (all from the same text). That will help you remember the words!

Are you having trouble posting on the platform’s blog? I’m posting some pictures here to help you.

Also for next time, I want you to listen to this poem about household chores (δουλειές του σπιτιού). Do the preparation task, play the games, learn the new vocabulary and try writing your own poem about household chores. Post your poems on the platform’s blog so I can read them!

Good luck and enjoy!

Drama Llamas

Hi guys,

I’m still waiting on that HW on viber!

For next time, I want you to read the story about a fear again. Make lists of words you didn’t know before and that your learnt here.

Also for next time, I want you to watch this video of how some schoolchildren in Australia change the world in 5 minutes and play the games that follow the video.

What could you and your friends do in five minutes to help change the world? Tell us your ideas! 

Write about 120 words or make a video and share it with us :) 


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