Ms Evi Bsenior for 1/4/20

Hello everyone! 
I am sure you all started feeling quite bored, so I decided to find a story for you for the weekend. The story is about a British man called Dick Whittington. You can find it here. First, you can do the preparation task, then watch the video as many times as you want and after that, you can play the game too. Don't forget to write your answers in your notebooks. 

For some writing practice, I would like you to learn the story by heart and write it in your own words in your notebooks. 

I know that you love songs, so I found this which is about a monster. Before listening to it, you can do the preparation task and and after that, you can play the game too. In order to see the words of the song, press the cc button down on the right of the video.
I hope you will enjoy both the story and the song! Have fun the rest of the week! 


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