Mr Kostas Confident Giraffes for Friday 3/4

Hi class. Do you rerember the words "like", "love", "hate"?

  • After the words "love" , "like" , "hate", "don't mind" (δεν με ενοχλεί) we use "ing". For example we say: I love playing football. I don't mind sleeping early.
  • With he/she/it we use an "s". For example: She loves running. He likes swimming.
  •  In the negative we use "don't" and "doesn't". For example: I don't like watching scary films. He doesn't like studying. She doesn't mind helping around the house.

For next time you have to do the exercises from these photocopies.
You can also log in  the Cambridge Lms Platform and do unit 1.

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