Miss Chara's Pre-lower 3 for 31/3

Let's do some classic novel reading!
In the following site you can find lots of books in online form!
Let's start with Mary Poppins! Do you know the famous lady with her umbrella?

For next time you have to go to this link : Mary Poppins
and read CHAPTER 1 (it's more or less10 small pages)

I provide here the explanation of some words that may help you:
cross-roads (a place where one road crosses another) slightly (delicately, a little not much)
dilapidated (neglected, not repaired), afford (have enough money to do something)
it was settled (it was decided) lopsided (not balanced, not the same on both sides)
nannie (or nanny is a child caretaker, takes care of children when the parents are away or work)
wage (money paid to a worker) get cross (opposing to someone to make him angry)
frost (ice)  absent-mindly ( in a careless , forgetful way without paying attention)
peer through (to look with difficulty, as if searching for something) latch (to catch or hold something),presently (immediately, quickly) drawing-room (a room in a big house where visitors are entertained) elbow (the part where the 2 bones of your arm are connected)
ribs (the series of bones that are situated between our chest and our stomach)
sniff (to inhale air trying to smell something) references (information about a person from their previous boss in order to recommend  them for a new job) firmly (in a strong, definite manner) 
stare (look fixedly at something) stern (be very serious and strict) couldn't bear it (can't stand it, put up with, tolerate) bother (annoy, disturb) nursery (the baby's or children's room)
gaze (to stare at, to look for a long time) relief (when you feel at ease again after being stressed)
gracefully (in a nice graceful way like a dance move) satisfied (content, happy)
cots (a crib, child's bed) withdraw (to stop talking to, to pull aside) edge towards (move slowly) proceed (to move on, to carry on) muffler (scarf) restrain (control, limit)
pinch (squeeze a person's skin) insulted (to feel that someone has been rude to you)
apron (what people wear when they cook so that they don't get dirty) crimson (deep red)
fluid (liquid) disobey (to not obey someone, not do what he says) gulp (the sound of swallowing) spill (to drop something and make a mess) substance (the material with certain characteristics) mantelpiece (a shelf above a fireplace) dim (not bright) meekly (in a humble, quiet way) silent (not making a sound) preside (to be the leader, to control)

After watch this extract of the movie about the scene you've just read!
Mary Poppins - Magic Bag

And now answer the following questions:
 1) What was the name of the Nanny that left the children?
2) Who are the two oldest children?
3) How did Mary Poppins travel to the children?
4) What was interesting about the banister?
5) Who can tell you where to find Cherry-Tree Lane?
6) Read the following lines from page 4. “Now the city was a place Mr. Banks went every day - except Sundays, of course and Bank holidays... All say long he worked, cutting out pennies and shillings and half crowns and three-penny bits.”
Based on these lines where does Mr. Banks work?
a) The Train Station b) The Bank c) A Clothing Store d) The City
7) What is unique about Mary Poppins? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
8) How many children live at number seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane?
9) What was special about Mary Poppins carpet bag?
10) How long will Mary Poppins stay with the children?

Send your answers in the school by email malamaschool@gmail.com or send me pictures!

Also, make sure you all of you that are registered in Cambridge lms that you complete the assignements of unit 1 and 2. For those of you who are not registered yet , we will try to register you and send you an email with your new passwords!


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