Miss Chara's Pre-lower 1 and 2 for Wednesday 1/4

Have a nice week you guys!!!

For next time I want you to revise the grammar of unit 4 (first and second conditional)
Then, go to this link: Conditionals
Watch the video and study the examples and rules below it!
Then, do the 3 exercises following.
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks.

To practise some listening, go here: Difficult Situations
First, do the preparation task. Then, listen to the recording about 3 kids that describe the difficult situations they are in. Do the following 2 exercises.
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks.

To practise a little speaking go here: A friend in need
Do the preparation task with the useful expressions.
Then watch the video where the one girl gives advice to the other. Following the video, take the role of the friend and read her part in the dialogue. Then, act it out again and  try fill in the words missing with what you remember.
After do the 3 exercises following.
Do you agree with Micayla's advice? What advice would you give to Gemma?
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks.

Finally, on Wednesday it's April 1st or April's Fool's Day!
Do you have the habit of making pranks and telling lies on that day?
Go to this link: Lies
Do the preparation task and watch the trailer of a book 'LIES' that became a movie.
Then , do the 4 exercises following!
Small writing: Would you like to live in a world with no adults? Describe what you think would happen.
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks.
You can send your answers by email or a photo in social media or even post it in cambridge lms:
Go to class home, blogs, new post!
Also units 1,2,3 are waiting for you in the cambridge platform! What are you waiting for???


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