Miss Chara's Lower for Wednesday 1/4

Have a nice week girls!!! I hope you are all great!
Please try not to be lazy! Keep practising, do your homework and make sure you send them to me. Some of you have never sent me a thing!

So, for next time: Let's create some body positivity!
Go to this link and read the text about what being beautiful is: Everybody is beautiful
Then answer the question in a small paragraph:
How can we feel good about the way we look, even when the social media try to make us feel bad?

To practise some speaking go to this link: Pros & Cons of mobile phones
Do the preparation task first and write down the words you didn't know.
Then watch the video. Watch the conversation first and then you will be asked to perform it as well by reading the bubbles first and then some words will be missing and you'll have to guess and see what you remember.
After do the 3 exercises below.
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks!

To practise your listening skills and get some studying tips go here: How to study
Do the preparation task, then listen to the recording and do the following exercises.
Write all answers and scores in your notebooks!

You know on Wednesday is April 1st or April Fool's Day?
Do you have the habit of playing tricks and telling lies on this day?
Are you planning to do something this year?
What about watching this youtuber to get some ideas?!!!
Let me know if you try any of these!

Have fun, take care and keep practising!


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