Miss Chara's Lower for 30/3

Pick your favorite English TV show you have been watching these days.
(and I am sure you have been watching a lot!!!)
Do the following things:
1) Pick your favorite scene. Describe who is in this scene, what are they doing, why is this scene important, etc
2)Watch an episode as a language detective. You have to observe and note down examples of language (grammar or vocabulary) we have been studying together. (For example phrasal verbs, passive voice, comparatives and superlatives, modal verbs, modal perfect, expressions we have learnt, inversion, so such,  ) Around 10 examples will suffice.
3) Pick a funny or dramatic scene with a lot of movement. Take off the sound and dub the scene with your own imaginary dialogue. Write down the dialogue you thought of.
Write down everything in your notebooks.

Since I assigned you to watch a video about International Women's Day last week let's do a little more work on it!
Visit the following link :Women's Day
Do the preparation task where you match words with their correct definition.
Which of these words didn't you know?
Then read the text.
After do the 2 exercises following (true false and gap fill)
Then answer the last question of the text in a small paragraph:
Can you imagine a future where there’s no need at all to even have an International Women’s Day? Where there is total equality for men and women? Hmmm … something to think about but perhaps in your lifetime this could happen!?
Write everything in your notebooks!

Then to motivate you especially these days that we are all felling a bit lazy,
go watch the following video: This girl Can
Do the preparation task , watch the video and do the following exercise!
I challenge you all to take a picture of yourself doing something active and energetic at home and share it with us with the hastag #ThisGirlCan

Have a great weekend!!!


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