Miss Chara's Lower for 18/3

Revise the text 'Lion Lights' p39 of your student's book (unit 4)
and the corresponding words of this unit.
After do the listening on the following link: Maasai-lions
Listen to the recording and do the 2 exercises.
Write your answers and your scores on your notebooks.

Also, watch the following video about the 'International Women's Day' that was a few days ago:
International Women's Day
Do the following 2 exercises.
Write your aswers on your notebooks and then check them online and write your scores.
Pay attention to the second grouping exercise since you can organise useful vocabulary through it.

Revise the text 'It's all about Positivity' p67 of your Student's Book (unit 7)
After go to Workbook p68 and do exer 1.
Then read the text 'There is no success without Failure' and do exer 2,3 and 4 (small writing)

Soon, I will ask you to use the code from your workbook so that you can do some online practise of your book as well, but we have to wait a couple of days.
I hope you all have your new practise test books by now. Your notebooks are also in school in our classroom. If you want them you can go to school and ask for them.

Until then, do your homework , revise stuff and stay positive!


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