Miss Chara's B senior for Tuesday 24/3

Time to revise a little how we tell the time!
Go to unit 4 of your books and revise the exercises we did with time.
Then go to this link : How to tell the time
Click 'preparation' and match the times with the pictures.
Then watch the video and learn how to tell the time with a pizza!
After click on the 2 games and do them!
Write all anwers and scores in your notebooks!

To revise a little the prepositions on, in , at  (unit 4) go here
Read the examples and after click on the 2 games and do them!

Do you remember the linkers and, but, so, because? (unit 2)
Go to this link My favorite meal
Click preparation and match the foods with their names.
Then read the text and the tips and do the 3 exercises following (multiple choice & gap fill)
Now, it's your turn to write about your favorite meal.

Write about your favourite meal. Think about these questions: 
What is your favourite meal? 
When do you eat it? 
Who cooks your favourite meal? 
Why do you like this meal so much? 
What do you drink with this meal?

Start like this:

My Favorite Meal , by (your name).....................

You can post your writings on the Cambridge platform on the 'blog' section so that I can check them!

So, don't forget to  register here
For next time I want you to do the exercises and games of unit 1.
If you have already done it move to the next!


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