Miss Chara's B senior for 31/3

Hey, guys! How are you? I hope you are all fine!

In unit 6 we started talking about animals and mythical beasts!
To compare different animals we use comparative and superlative form of the adjectives.
We say that "A rabbit is faster than a turtle" or that " A bear is bigger that a mouse"
We also say that "A dinosaur is the largest animal" or that " A snake is the scariest animal"
or "A butterfly is the most colorful animal" .
Go here: Comparatives and Superlatives
Revise a little bit by reading the examples and rules and then play the 2 games below!

Do you want to learn about an actual Mythical Beast?
Go to this link to learn all about: Nessie- The Loch Ness Monster
Do the preparation task where you match the words with the pictures.
After watch the video. You can watch as many times as you want and you can put english subtiles by clicking on cc.
Then, you can play the game where you put the story in the correct order!

Now, it's your turn!
Go to this link Animal Fact File and do the preparation task!
Now read the fact file and learn new things about kangaroos. Play the game below.
Now can you do the same? Make your own fact file about any animal you want, real or imaginary!
You can print the fact file by clicking on 'print the exercises and writing task'
or you can draw a similar one in your notebook and complete it with the information about your animal!

Don't forget to register in Cambridge lms primary
And start doing the exercises and games of units 1,2,3.

Have a nice weekend!!!


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