Miss Chara for Monday 10/2

Prelower1: Do the PET part 5
Workbook p43 do the writing (9,10) following the plan of exer 8 and p45 do 5,6,7
Photocopy grammar and vocabulary do all exercises 

Pre-Lower 2: Workbook p42 do exer 2,3,4,5 and p43 do 6 and the writing (9,10) following the plan of exer 8
P45 do exer 5,6,7
Do PET part 5

Lower: Student's Book p55 exer 5 study the words and do writing exer 1,2,3 and 6 (pick a topic from exer 5 to write about)
Workbook p52 do 1,2,3
Extension test di exer 1,3,4


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