Miss Chara for 20/1

Prelower1: Workbook P32 do all exer, 
P33 do exer 5,6,7 and 9 (writing-an opinion essay or pick one of the other 2 topics on SB p39 and make sure you follow the same structure as the model and you use linking words) and p34 do all exer

Pre-Lower 2: Companion p16-17 study the words (from 79 to 119)
Workbook p 32 do all exer and p33 do exer 5,6,7 and 9 (writing-an opinion essay or pick one of the other 2 topics on SB p39 and make sure you follow the same structure as the model and you use linking words )
Do the reading of your first PET test (photocopy)

Lower: Workbook p43 do exer 1,2 and 4 (writing a semi-formal email)
P44 do exer 3,4,5
Do the readings of your first FCE practice test and remember th at on MONDAY THOSE OF YOU GIVING CAMBRIDGE YOU NEED TO COME 30 MIN EARLIER YO CHECK THIS TEST 


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