Miss Chara for 9/12

Prelower1: Revise all unit 2 for the test
Workbook p25 do exer 7,8,9
P27 do 1,2,3
Companion revise the words on p. 8,9,10,11 and p12 study the new words (join-career)
CLIL photocopy do exer 6

Pre-Lower 2: Student's Book p27 do the writing (email for advice)
Workbook p22 do all exer 
P23 do 6,7,8
P88 do exer 1,3

Lower: Revise all unit 2
Workbook p28 do exer 5,6
P29 do all exercises 
P31 do exer 3,4
Wordlist study the rest of the words (genius - off your head) 


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