Miss Chara for 12/12

Prelower3: Do exer 9 and 11 from the test (useful language and reading)
Companion p12-13 study the words (join in-career)
Workbook p27 do exer 1,2,3

B senior : Workbook p36 do all exercises
Companion p10-11 copy and dictation the words (vanilla shake-candlelight)
Learn the irregular pasts for rap song (shine - win)
Learn all your role from the Christmas play!

Proficiency : Companion p40, 41,42,43 study the words we circled
Workbook p20, 21 do the reading and the exercise 
Imagine you are a volunteer in a charity and you want to make other people join. Make a social media hashtag campaign (one or 2 posts) to achieve this! 


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