Miss Chara for 18/11
Pre-lower1: Companion p8-9 revise all words and a few new (until involve)
Study the irregulars (get - know)
Vocabulary photocopy do exer 1,2,3
Photocopy 'Born to dive' do exer 5 (you can write about another sport or Hobbie if you want and around 80-100 words)
Pre-Lower2: companion p8 study the words (as a result-practise)
Workbook p 17 do all exercises
Lower: Student's Book p25 exer 3 answer any question you want in a small paragraph and do THINK VALUES exer 1,2
Writing : Imagine you are living in your dream place. Write a blog post about the difficulties or the amazing things you are experiencing there (200-250 words)
Photocopy grammar gerunds & infinitives do all the page test yourself
Grammar practice exer A, B
Revise very well all the words of unit 2 and the irregulars (make - sell)
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