Miss Chara for 14/11

Pre-lower3: Student's Book p19 do exer 2
Workbook p17 do all exercises 
Companion p8 study the words (as a result-practise)
Study the irregulars (pay-shake)

B senior: Workbook p22 do exer 1,2
And p23 do exer 1
Companion p7 copy and dictation the words (mountain - spy)
Learn by heart the irregular verbs (be-make) for our rap song!

Proficiency : Companion p25, 26,27 study very well the words (until aviation)
Students book P21 do exer E (reading) and F (vocabulary)
Look at the first idea in ideas focus (imagine that you've lost your phone and make a post or a story to inform your friends about it and ask their help.
Imagine you've just found it and text your friend in messager to tell her all about how and where and who helped you) 


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