Miss Chara for 22/10

Pre-Lower 3: Student's Book p15 do exer 6 (answer all questions in 100-120 words)
Workbook p 10 exer 6 and p11 exer 2,3,4
Srudy the irregular verbs (be-buy)
Wordlist study the words (retro-be into something)

B senior: Companion p 5 copy and dictation (interesting-discover)
Workbook p13 do exer 1,2
Photocopy curator do exer 2,3 (write about a famous exhibit)

Proficiency : Workbook p7 do exer B, C, D
And p8 do E
Revise the words and study the new grammar and listening ones
Write an essay assigned by Miss Themis. (search link in her post) 


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