Miss Chara for 13/5

C senior : Student's Book p83 do exer 6 (giving advice for the problem on exer 5)
Companion p35 study the words for dictation (listener - encourage)
Workbook p72 exer 2,3
P73 exer 4,5,6

A senior: companion p25-26 copy 5 times and dictation the words (go shopping-by bus)
Irregular verbs copy 3 times and dictation (see-sit)
Workbook p95 exer 2,3
P96 exer 1,2,3
P97 exer 2
Read your role in the theatrical 5 times and learn the first page

Pre-Lower 7-8 & 8-9: Student's Book p83 do exer 6 writing an email
Workbook p72 do all exercises and P73 do exer 5,6,7


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