Miss Chara for 17/12

C senior: Student's Book p. 39 exer 6 (writing a blog about a concert)
Workbook p. 32 exer 2,3,4,5 p. 33 exer 7,8,9
Companion p. 18-19 study the words (live music-replace)

A senior: 1) imagine you have a robot. What does it look like? What tasks can it do.
Write in a small paragraph.
2) companion copy and dictation words (earth-full)
3) Workbook p. 42-43 all exercises (keep water diary for Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Pre-Lower : Student's book p. 37 exer 3,4, 5
Workbook p. 31 exer 1,2,3,4
P.98 exer 2,3


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