Ms Themis for 30/10

Pre-Lower 17:00-18:00

p.11 ex.1
p.14-15 ex.3,4,5

p.15 study the text again and do ex. 4(the nouns you need to match are called compound nouns because they go together. You can find them in the text)
p.13 write a paragraph to answer ex.5 and try to use the past perfect.

Revise words of unit 1,know them well!

Pre-Lower 18:00-19:00

p.11 ex. 1,2,3 if you don't know some words try to guess their meaning or look them up in a dictionary

p.14-15 ex.3-5

Revise all vocabulary from unit 1! You can make a list of the words that are difficult to remember,it might help!


Revise unit 1 vocabulary again,make sure you learn the derivatives phrasal verbs very well.
study the collocations you learnt on p.15 in ex. 1,2,3
p.22 do ex. 1

Study the mistakes you made in the test. If you don't understand something,come back with questions!

p.20 ex. 2,3
Revise all the vocabulary we learnt together from unit 1.

Watch another TED video of your choice and tell the class about it. Take notes to remember!


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