Mr Marc's homework for 20/02/18

C senior 

WB p44 ex 1,2,7,8 and  p90 everything! Also, review revise and organise words and vocabulary from units 1-3 to see what you remember!

Pre lower 

WB p54 1,2,6,7 . Review, revise and organise vocab from units 1-3 on quizlet (join the class here) read and follow intructions on the top of this video and reading to check your understanding. (remember to do the preparation, and other exercises)


Hello there! Here is a nice intro video to the concept of surveillance as a response to terrorism. To what extent do you think mass surveillance is justified to keep people safe? On top of this please revise unit 2 and 3 by using quizlet ( sign in using gmail or facebook)


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