Mr Marc's homework for 23/01/18


 WB p89 + study revise and organise vocab from unit 3.Use this site to revise and check what you know! 

Pre lower 

Workbook speaking exercises from unit 3+4
Prepare a set of instructions for an imaginary recipe, or directions for a place to meet using the vocabulary from speaking unit 3 and 4. Then, watch this video about a young achiever who's made a fortune from selling his grandma's jam and answers the questions below ( true or false, gap fill and gerunds and infinitives) See you soon!


Companion p 78-83

Prepare a for and against essay on vegetarianism. Try to include different perspectives ie: climate change (see link below), nutrition, animal rights. Use concrete examples from research you've done on youtube or other sources of information.Video links :  climate change and vegetarianism  what if the world became vegetarian   vegans versus meat eaters
Remember to try and structure what you're trying to say eg: Point Example Comment!


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