Mr Marc's homework for 01/02/18

C senior

Wb p 37 all + Sb p44 ex 5,6 but use your wordlists. Learn the new words from unit 4 ( go skiing, go climbing   go to summer camp, another  go on  a trip, a vacation ect..)

For next time please study, revise and organise vocabulary from unit 2 and 3 using lists and tables. Use this website to check how much you remember from unit 2 here and here and unit 3

Zorga will have to be for another time!

Pre lower

Unit three revision here unit four here. Prepare for a test please!


On top of the extra exercises we mentioned our next topic of debate and discussion will be on the subject of online privacy. How much surveillance should the government be allowed to impose on its citizens? Please take the time to have a look at some of these videos and any others you feel are relevant, collect your thoughts and attempt to organise and structure them. Cyber privacy story
why care about online privacy?


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